Sunday, October 17, 2010

Is this true love?

Hello Ladies:)

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, it was absolutly beautiful outside. As we all know Ali Fedotowsky accepted Robertos' proposal on the previous season of the bachelorette. Hearts were breaking everywhere when she told Chris L she wasn't in love with him, however smiles were filling the faces of the entire world when she picked the beautiful european man...ROBERTO:) Many were not sure of his intentions (just look at him...why would he be on a reality TV show searching for love?) but 5 months into their engagment, happily living together in San Diago, having tons of fun together, planning their wedding, could this really be it? It seems as if the couple are doing amazing, and could not be any happier. Ali is now an anchor on Fox San Diago, while Roberto is running his insurance company in this same location. Ali is now the spokesperson for Breast Cancer Awareness which is an amazing approach and opportunity for Ali. Sure in Season 11 of the Bachelor she left Jake (final 4 women) for her amazing job back in San Fransico with Facebook who threatened to fire her. But now, she has found true love on the bachelorette, an even better job with Fox, the perks of Hollywood, and sending awareness to all females about breast Cancer...could it get any better? YES! Her and Roberto have been eating take out in their new condo in San Diago on the floor, along with sleeping on the mattress located on the floor. Jillian Harris our small town girl who is an interior decorator as we all know who has teamed up with Extreme Makeover Home Edition has designed these two lovers a new home. Jillian completely went wild with this condo and used alot of Pottery Barn pieces to create a wonderful, warm and cozy household that the couple can enjoy to themselves, and yet entertain. This couple is beyond adorable, and girls all across the globe are rooting for this couple. I will keep everyone informed when the final decisions on the wedding are made...such as...WILL IT BE TELEVISED?? I SURE HOPE SO:)!

                                               After; living room
                                              Before; living room

                                                  Before; Bedroom

                                                     After; bedroom

                                          Jillian shopping for the condo
                                          JOB WELL DONE JILLIAN!
                                                    Proposal in Bora Bora
                                                   Pumpkin Patch

-never stop believing

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