Saturday, November 27, 2010

Bachelor Pad finally explained...

FOR MY FUN, DRAMA CRAZY FANS OUT THERE; how could you not fall in love with this show?
The sexiest participants from the "Bachelor" franchise reunite under one roof in a competive reality series to compete for $250, 000.00.
So there were the competitors, the love stories, the allies, the friends, the enemies & the frenemies. The show aired in August 2010.
Chris Harrison
Melissa Raycroft


Craig M., 34 - Ali season
Natalie G., 28 - Jason season
David G., 28 - Jillian season
Jesse B., 25 - Ali season
Tenley M., 26 - Jake season
Juan B.,37 - Jillian season
Jesse K., 28 - Jillian season
Gia, 28 - Jake season
Jonathan N., 31 - Ali season
Wes H., 33 - Jillian season
Ashley E., 30 - Jake season
Kyptin L.,32 - Jillian season
Elizabeth K, 30 - Jake season
Gwen G., - Aaron season
Jessie S., 25 - Jake season
Krisily K., 30 - Charlie season
Michelle K., 26 - Jake season
Nikki K., 30 - Jason season
Peyton W.,27 - Andy season

The point of the show was basically another very entertaining way to gain money, and cause lots of drama. At first it was every man for themself participating in different games or challenges that would keep them save from being eliminated. The winner would pick 1-3 people of the opposite sex and take them on date. Within the first few weeks the viewers began to notice the frienships building, along with the love affairs and of course the hate & betrayal.
Nearing the end of a very emotional 7 weeks the finalists were Tenley & Kiptyn, along with Natalie & Dave.
The 4 finalists were both allies, very good friends and had love affairs.
The final episode definalty a nail biter for all viewers. The final decision was done by votes of the kicked off contestants. DEFINALTY NOT GOOD IF YOU BETRAYED MANY! The finalists were put into a room each alone. They had no idea how the decision would be made but it came down to "keep" or "share". Example: Natalie picked "share" and Dave picked "share" =  team (Natalie & Dave) would both split the $250 000.00. If one picked "keep", and the other "share" = "keep" would keep the money to themself. If they each picked "keep" = the money was distributed evenly to all previous contestants who did not make it to the finals and left the winning couple with nothing. Luckily Dave & Natalie who got the most votes both picked "keep" with no idea what their partner would choose (HUGE RISK)!! & THEY WON THE COMPETITION! CONGRATULATIONS NATALIE & DAVE :)


David Good and Natalie Getz

There couldn't have been a better way for them to end the competiton. They're cha-cha may not have saved them from elimination but their trust in one another got them to $250,000. Will the money allow them to shorten their long distance relationship?
 David won the kissing competition and chose Natalie to share a fantasy suite with him. Although they are a "closet couple" for the competition, do we see a future for them? They may make it all the way to the end if they can keep their relationship hidden from everyone else. And they did!

Tenley and Kiptyn Kiptyn and Tenley have been a couple since the first day of the competition. We were happy to see that they have continued to see each other after they left the mansion. Although they didn't win the money, did they leave the show with love instead of money?

Elizabeth Kitt and Jesse Kovacs

Despite having strong feelings after the show, Kovacs and Elizabeth did not continue their relationship after the show.
They are the only two that came into the house as a couple. We already saw Jesse's concern about being a couple during the first episode.

Gia Allemand and Wes Hayden

Gia and Wes definitely had some chemistry before Gia was eliminated. Wes helped Gia win the pie eating competition and received the rose from their group date. Gia is also the only girl that came to the competition with a boyfriend. Wes mentioned if he won the money, he'd be coming to NYC to find Gia. Should we believe him or was he just trying to play the game for $250,000?

Overall it was a very entertaining and easy to watch show that I hope is produced again in summer 2011:) It was alot of fun to watch! A great summer show:)

Winners Natalie & Dave:)
Finalists Tenley & Kiptyn<3
Elizabeth & Jesse K.
Gia & Wes
The Cast!
Host's: Chris & Melissa

-never stop believing

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

America's Couple...enough said!

This is for all of my girls out there, prove that love can be found anywhere! So grab your guy and tell him to check out this couple who after 7 years of finding love on the Bachelorette are still going strong.

Yes it is our famous Trista & Ryan...America's most romantic couple. This couple met in 2002 when Trista was America's first Bachelorette. Their wedding was televised on December 6th, 2003 and watched by 26 million people as they became America's most loved couple. Trista was turned down on the earlier season of The Bachelor but was loved by all. The producers brilliantly developed The Bachelorette and picked Trista. The couple live in Eagle Country, Colorado, where Ryan is a firefighter for Vail, Colorado. It took 99 pregnancy tests, before 1 turned up positive. Trista says "it's a miracle" that she was able to give birth. The couple had their first child on July 26, 2007, Maxwell Alston Sutter who was born 4 weeks early stemming from pregnancy complications, which almost took her life. Another miracle was blessed on this family Blakesley Grace Sutter, who weighed 6 lbs., 2 oz. arrived Friday afternoon, April 3. This family is the poster family for a perfect American family- family of 4, eldest being Max and the little girl Blakesley. Last October, it was reported that Trista and Ryan were talking about producing a reality show that would involve the children. This couple is very successful as Trista is a purse designer, and now starting her own baby line, while not only is Ryan a firefighter but he also competes in marathons and triathlons. What an ideal family. They manage to stay far from the spotlight, yet be in it just enough. This couple truly is in love, and goes to show real love can happen on these reality shows.


sooo happy!

Baby Max!
adorable :)
Beautiful family:)
Beautiful Couple<3
Proposal :)
With a beautiful family:)<3


- never stop believing

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Is this true love?

Hello Ladies:)

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, it was absolutly beautiful outside. As we all know Ali Fedotowsky accepted Robertos' proposal on the previous season of the bachelorette. Hearts were breaking everywhere when she told Chris L she wasn't in love with him, however smiles were filling the faces of the entire world when she picked the beautiful european man...ROBERTO:) Many were not sure of his intentions (just look at him...why would he be on a reality TV show searching for love?) but 5 months into their engagment, happily living together in San Diago, having tons of fun together, planning their wedding, could this really be it? It seems as if the couple are doing amazing, and could not be any happier. Ali is now an anchor on Fox San Diago, while Roberto is running his insurance company in this same location. Ali is now the spokesperson for Breast Cancer Awareness which is an amazing approach and opportunity for Ali. Sure in Season 11 of the Bachelor she left Jake (final 4 women) for her amazing job back in San Fransico with Facebook who threatened to fire her. But now, she has found true love on the bachelorette, an even better job with Fox, the perks of Hollywood, and sending awareness to all females about breast Cancer...could it get any better? YES! Her and Roberto have been eating take out in their new condo in San Diago on the floor, along with sleeping on the mattress located on the floor. Jillian Harris our small town girl who is an interior decorator as we all know who has teamed up with Extreme Makeover Home Edition has designed these two lovers a new home. Jillian completely went wild with this condo and used alot of Pottery Barn pieces to create a wonderful, warm and cozy household that the couple can enjoy to themselves, and yet entertain. This couple is beyond adorable, and girls all across the globe are rooting for this couple. I will keep everyone informed when the final decisions on the wedding are made...such as...WILL IT BE TELEVISED?? I SURE HOPE SO:)!

                                               After; living room
                                              Before; living room

                                                  Before; Bedroom

                                                     After; bedroom

                                          Jillian shopping for the condo
                                          JOB WELL DONE JILLIAN!
                                                    Proposal in Bora Bora
                                                   Pumpkin Patch

-never stop believing

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I think the ring speaks for itself....

- never stop believing

Monday, October 4, 2010

Just a small town girl...

This is for my ladies, and well the men too...because hearts are breaking everywhere!

Jillian could you not know that name. She was rejected by Jason in season 13 and was the typical "girl next door" that the viewers insantly fell in love with! She then became the Bachelorette and picked the man who left halfway through for his job, but returned for his Jill. The two had been engaged for over a year, and lived in Chicago together. It is impossible to forget the thousands of rumours that surfaced the media once Jillian picked Ed as ex girlfriends came public, and "current" girlfriends as well. The couple stood strong and fought through the rumours and did their best to settle into reality. And they had seemed to be doing great. Jillian who is a natural nurturer signed on with Extreme Home Edition as the Interior Decorater and has been changing lives over the summer. However, in July it was reported that Jillian and Ed were taking a break, his well known partying and drinking habits was a factor in the break. It is now publically known that two weeks ago Jill left Chicago to go back to her hometown of Vancouver and loving it. She said "it was a very sad summer". Although she fought hard to make the relationship work, Ed just wasn't ready to completely grow up.
I am a huge fan of the couple, and hope they can make things work, but in the end we wish them much joy and happiness together or apart.
Here watch Jillian on BT Vancouver; October 1st, 2010. Her first interview since she's returned back home.

-never stop believing

It's been 3 days!

Well Good Morning my hopeless romantics,

The weather is chilly back here at home and the leaves are changing beautiful colours. I have just returned home after coordinating a Charity event in New York and we must talk. It's been a view days since I have updated, but there is lots to talk about. The new bachelor of 2011 has been picked. It is shocking to know both Chris L. who was the rejected on the season finale and Tye both turned down the opportunity to be the 2011 Bachelor, who both appeared on Ali Fedotowsky season of the Bachelorette. The new bachelor is Brad Womack! I know...SHOCKER! Season 15 is sure to be an interesting one. If you're a little confused about who exactly Brad is...well in 2007 he was the Bachelor and rejected ALL of the Bachelorettes; picking no one in the end! Well talk about using recycled men for higher ratings. Will he actually pick someone this time around? Or break millions of hearts across the globe as he tells both girls he has not found love. The new season of the bachelor will start up in January! I will be sure to keep you posted on new updates about this season as Reality Steve has all of the spoilers, and in December I will have the 25 contestants posted right here!

Chris L.



-never stop believing